I found this saved as a draft on here. I probably didn't publish it because I was embarrassed. I originally handwrote this in 2007 during my second year of university. I will scan the original in as it looks like complete nonsense at times which is great. A friend and I participated in a writing project, experimenting with sleep deptivation. I was interested in surrealist writers such as Andre Breton and Phillip Soupault at the time. We recorded our automatic writing at regular intervals throughout the three days we were awake. I wanted to see if depriving ourselves of sleep would affect our writing through a change in creativity, rational thoughts, emotional stability, etc. It was actually quite horrific towards the end and my friend got very moody and subsequently made me have a panic attack! Oh my. This is a snippet of my writing from the experiment:
I'm not sure where this story is going. Sort of taken aback to and to a large grey fox demanded and ushered me to a quiet space. 'A cell, a cell', he squealed. All caught up in that feisty yellow fur coat. Little yellow riding hood.
OH GOOD. 'Isn't this a tremendous way to spend the morning all a glory. He wanted it so badly, you see, you see, you see...'
Scene 4 act5/6
on a plastic sea not quite here not quite there
upheld my hair, he did so with such FORCE I could not say no. Say no to St Rangers.
I did not lie but kept it trapped like a wasp in a bottle. A glaring subtle density stabbed a ______?
Help help help help a crucial undertaker.
It felt so damn cold freezing on that floor.All I could think about was how much stamina those little jiminy crickets needed to travel the grid and beyond.
Guys what the hell is going on? Steady on there matey. After a lot of tumbling and pondering the air felt like a condensed milkyway and out of more deep deep dark blues a screen appeared with images of strange badger like creatures falling over and OVER. No wait, that seems to have already happened.
act 3/4 part 8 scene three hundred
far away in a place not far from here
three hundred 'N's flitted to and throw and all aglow were their rosy cheeks peaked from the occasion. However outnumbered they felt, they couldn't help but multiply. MY MY those frisky little hussys drowned spat out and begging for MORE. Shiver me timbers and call me 'JIMMY?!' they all cried. Oh how they screamed.
scene 12
[a calm mauve sky hit her ears in two places, places adjacent to light rose steps courageously trampling down Prosopalgia]
Several beds of unintentional, crate-filled-lakes, traced pacing dogs home. Oh dear Awful and Sigh split upon the semi-spy.
He scrambled out but moved his flag back and fourth in an unfashionable manner, burgundy hiding his bare cheeked eyes from harsh onset. Knuckles apeared nauseous at the side of every sight to that of the equal.
act 3/4 scene 8
[The sound was set upon a hill under engraved floor yards, too big as of yet. Many colours scattered the ground, pulling twice at the dress of a young girl as she approached the cliff edge.]
A sigh wept across a string of strong, thin moths, as many humans humoured the ground beneath their fortresses. Humbled-down, multiplied numbers made way for the moths to settle their skin, as their grins had asked so nicely.
axe 10 scene 3
She felt Tegretol loosen his ___ around her cranial jaw - shutters, now, now.
[Stagnant in deep fury]
'Oh how lucky, STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY.'
She believed in her scurried seas, until November two-thousand and four. However, she certainly felt this warranted some further investigation, beyond the limits of the floor, caving inward and outward to a sleek beige corner stop.